Mastering JS Shorthand Techniques: Async/Await, Array.findIndex(), and Array.find()

Unlock the potential of JavaScript with Async/Await, Array.findIndex(), and Array.find(). Learn essential shorthand techniques in this blog


In the world of JavaScript, writing concise and expressive code is highly valued by developers. Shorthand techniques are a powerful way to achieve this goal, simplifying code and making it more readable. In this blog, we will explore some essential shorthand techniques that can level up your JavaScript coding skills and make your code more elegant. From arrow functions to async/await, let's dive into the world of efficient coding!

1. Arrow Function with Implicit Return

For single expression functions, you can use arrow functions with implicit return for more concise code.

2. Default Exports and Imports

Default exports and imports provide a convenient shorthand for exporting and importing modules with a single entity. Rather than explicitly naming the exported module, we can assign it a default label, simplifying the import process. Here's how it works:

With default exports and imports, we can avoid the need for curly braces when importing a single module, streamlining the codebase.

3. Array.find() and Array.findIndex()

The Array.find() method provides an elegant solution to retrieve the first element that satisfies a given condition, while the Array.findIndex() method returns the index of the first matching element. Consider the following example:

By utilizing these methods, we can efficiently search for elements in arrays and perform actions accordingly, enhancing code readability and functionality.

4. Async/Await

async/await is a modern approach to handle asynchronous code, making it look more synchronous and easier to read.


Mastering shorthand techniques in JavaScript is a valuable skill that can significantly improve your coding efficiency and readability. By using arrow functions with implicit return, default exports and imports, Array.find(), Array.findIndex(), and async/await, you can write more concise and expressive code, reducing unnecessary verbosity and improving the overall quality of your projects. Incorporate these shorthand techniques into your coding practices to become a more proficient and effective JavaScript developer.

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